Noho Marae

In term one we went to Tunohopu Marae for our marae stay. Tunohopu Marae is at Ohinemutu if you know where it is. Well we had to walk to the marae from the museum it was very hot. Then we waited for the other classes to go and have their turn at the museum. We all got changed into our clothes and we played and had free time all that time while we were there. It was fun because I brought my ball so I can play handball with other people.

At night we had dinner it was nice then after dinner we had free time. When free time was over we played some activities till we were going to bed. Then we got ready to go bed and the lights were off.
while we were in our beds there was heaps of noise but I went to asleep before the noise went louder.

Day 2

In the morning we all woke up and it was noisy and very loud. Some people was helping and I was one of them we were making toast and getting breakfast ready. After that Breakfast was made and each class had to go in. Breakfast was nice, after I have finished my breakfast I helped in the kitchen doing the dishes. After that we did our activities, my favorite is was doing the flax because it was fun weaving. Then when the day was finished we started to play till dinner. The dinner that I helped cooking was nice.Then we went into our classroom to do our performance that we were going to do after practicing it. After that we went back to the dinning room to do it. Our performance was Maui and the fingers of fire, It was cool. After that we had supper and got ready for bed. we were allowed to stay up till 11 o clock in the night. we had a great time talking to other people.

Day 3

It was morning and we were still asleep but we manged to get up. Some of us had showers but I helped out in the kitchen making the toast for breakfast. We had breakfast and it was just what we had from the last two days. I also helped in the kitchen and did the dishes with my dad. After that we did activities my favorite is sewing on this cloth we had to sew Maori design, and I reckon my friend Shaquile had the mean design. Then we draw some Maori design and they represent something with each Maori design, and we design a mask about the our story Maui and the fingers of fire. Well it was fun at the marae and I had a great time