Noho Marae

In term one we went to Tunohopu Marae for our marae stay. Tunohopu Marae is at Ohinemutu if you know where it is. Well we had to walk to the marae from the museum it was very hot. Then we waited for the other classes to go and have their turn at the museum. We all got changed into our clothes and we played and had free time all that time while we were there. It was fun because I brought my ball so I can play handball with other people.

At night we had dinner it was nice then after dinner we had free time. When free time was over we played some activities till we were going to bed. Then we got ready to go bed and the lights were off.
while we were in our beds there was heaps of noise but I went to asleep before the noise went louder.

Day 2

In the morning we all woke up and it was noisy and very loud. Some people was helping and I was one of them we were making toast and getting breakfast ready. After that Breakfast was made and each class had to go in. Breakfast was nice, after I have finished my breakfast I helped in the kitchen doing the dishes. After that we did our activities, my favorite is was doing the flax because it was fun weaving. Then when the day was finished we started to play till dinner. The dinner that I helped cooking was nice.Then we went into our classroom to do our performance that we were going to do after practicing it. After that we went back to the dinning room to do it. Our performance was Maui and the fingers of fire, It was cool. After that we had supper and got ready for bed. we were allowed to stay up till 11 o clock in the night. we had a great time talking to other people.

Day 3

It was morning and we were still asleep but we manged to get up. Some of us had showers but I helped out in the kitchen making the toast for breakfast. We had breakfast and it was just what we had from the last two days. I also helped in the kitchen and did the dishes with my dad. After that we did activities my favorite is sewing on this cloth we had to sew Maori design, and I reckon my friend Shaquile had the mean design. Then we draw some Maori design and they represent something with each Maori design, and we design a mask about the our story Maui and the fingers of fire. Well it was fun at the marae and I had a great time

My trip to the museum

In term one on the 2nd of march we went to Tunohopu Marae at Ohinemutu. First we went to the museum at Government Gardens. We met this instructor named George he was nice and he showed us around. First we went into this little room with a screen at the front with seat at the front as well. we watched a movie about Ngatoroirangi climbing mt Tongariro. it was cool!!! when it was finished I felt a bit tired after that and yeah!! Then George took us down stairs into a gallery room were heaps of stuff in the gallery about what happens in the olden days.

Then we watched the Tarawera eruption and the seat were very powerful when the part of the movie when the mountain is erupting. Then the movie finished and we went outside to grab our bags and go to the marae. Then we said to George thankyou for guiding us in the museum. Then we had morning tea and went to the marae

My Holiday

On the second week of the holiday I went to Te Araroa down the east coast I had really great time down there. I stayed there for four days I went on the tralior on the beach that was cool but really cold while we were on the tralior. Then we stopped at a spot were some people can catch some crayfish instead they catch some kina's is disgusting how they eat the kina's but I still like it a little bit.

On the third day at night some people slept on the beach and I was one of them it was cool, we played heaps of hand games till three am in the morning but then we all fell to sleep and when I woke up I was sore where I was sleeping it was really bumpy with sand and it was really annoying and sore. But I had a great time with all my mates playing games that morning and it was cool at that marae stay!!!!!!!!!


The sports that I play is water polo, soccer, netball, basketball.

Water polo
I play water polo for the school my coach is Mr Apperley he is a great coach to try and get us fit.
I also played in the tournament last year, it was held in Tauranga at Baywave. We only have won one game down at bay wave. It was really funny that we had to push our coaches into the water.

When I was little I use to play soccer for the McDonald's soccer team. I was a great goalie i saved 10 goals for our team. But now I don't do it any more because I had another interest in sports I had a really cool coach, she
makes us tried harder in practice and she is a really cool to coach us.


I use to play netball for Rotorua Primary School. I always gold keep and I was good at it as well. Our coach named Emma she is cool coaching us and she is my auntie.

I have already just learnt how to play basketball this year. My sister taught me how to play basketball because she has been playing basketball since she was first started at Rotorua primary school. This year she is in the reps in basketball and she has been into many tournaments. She played in the Easter weekends and their team won a gold medal for it.

About me

Hi my name is Te Rina, and this is my blog. I am 12 years old, I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters. They all have Maori names you might not pronounce them properly. My mum name is Beverly and my dad name is Adrian.

The sports that I like is water polo and i really like my coach and his name is Mr Apperley. My second favorite sport is soccer because I use to be in a club for the MC Donald's sports. My Hobbies that I really enjoy is playing the piano with my sister teacher aid at school.

My favorite subject is spelling, writing. and having maths in room 6. Also I like going to technology